-Chuck Missler’s Exodus Bible study
-NakedBiblePodcast Exodus study (2020) with Mike Heiser
Works Cited
Ahmed, M. M., Mohammed, G. M., Ibrahim, E. H., Islam, E. A., Ahmad, M. E., Mostafa, H. M., . . . Deqiang, D. (2021, October). Traditional Ancient Egyptian Medicine: A Review. Saudi journal of Biological Sciences, 28(10), 5823-5832. Retrieved from sciencedirect.com.
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Richardson, J. (2020). Sinai to Zion. Leawood: Winepress.
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Schauss, H. (n.d.). Ancient Jewish Marriage. Retrieved from myjewishlearning.com: www.myjewishlearning.com/article/ancient-jewish-marriage/
Stuart, D. K. (2006). The New American Commentary: Exodus Vol.2. Nashville: B&H Publishing Group.