Psalms and Others Who Felt Abandoned By God but Weren’t

Psalm 22: What caused David to write such an excruciating prayer? How long did he feel like this? Obviously, God did not abandon him. God loved him so much He promised an everlasting Kingdom to him. David lived in God’s favor all his life. But these words were heard by God and stored, then used by God Himself on the cross.

Job: Job felt abandoned by God, but God was right there, listening, hearing everything. He proved it by answering Job, vindicating Job, and rebuking Job’s friends. Then all Job’s words were kept forever for our sake. It’s even a wonder how Job accused God of many things (though he did not curse God) but was still righteous in God’s eyes.

Joseph: There’s no record of Josphe praying to God, but no doubt he felt abandoned at times. We know that he wasn’t, and in fact every bit of his suffering was for a higher purpose, even more than he concluded afterward. If only he knew at the time that he was a type, a shadow of the Messiah.

Psalms by David

6, 13, 17, 22, 60, 69, 70, 71, 73, 74, 77, 79, 80, 85, 88, 90, 94, 102

Psalms by Asaph

73, 74, 77, 79, 80

Psalms of Korah

85, 88

Psalms of Moses



94, 102