(See book: THE FEASTS OF ISRAEL by Chuck Missler and Dan Stolebarger. Published by Koinonia House, 2014.)

-Passover- always on Nisan 14
-Feast of Unleavened Bread- always on Nisan 15
-Feast of First Fruits is always on a Sunday (1st day of the week after Passover)
Two Sabbath Days during Passover week.
-Feast of Unleavened Bread and the weekly Sabbath
-John 12:1 and Luke 19: 6 days before Passover, Jesus traveled the 14 miles from Jericho to Jerusalem. Too far to travel on a Sabbath (limit is about half a mile- Acts 1:12). So he couldn’t have died on Friday. 6 says puts his start on Nisan 8.
-Jesus rose on Feast of First Fruits (Sunday- the first weekly Sabbath after Passover).
-3 full days and nights in the grave. Like Jonah.
Order of Events
-Nisan 8 into beginning of 9th(evening)- the day Jesus traveled from Jericho to Jerusalem. Probably took all day.
-Jesus lodged with friends Lazarus, Martha, and Mary in Bethany.
-Jerusalem was packed for the Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread which required the pilgrimage to Jerusalem.
-Nisan 10 (a Saturday/Sabbath- day after Jesus arrives and in evening-start of the 10th) Jesus presents himself as the unblemished sacrificial lamb- the Triumphal Entry. (fulfilling the requirement to chose and present the lamb on the 10th of Nisan)
-early Nisan 14(Tues sundown)- the last supper.
-all night into morning of the 14th Jesus prayed, was betrayed, and tried.
-Died near end of Nisan 14 (Weds close to sundown) as lamb was slaughtered and Passover eaten.
-since next day was a Holy Convocation Day: Feast of Unleavened Bread, no work could be done. So criminals’ legs were broken and they were all taken down before Nisan 15 began.
-Jesus in grave Weds, Thurs, and Friday. The women could not prepare their burial gifts after Jesus died- because no work on the 15th,. or 17th (the 17th (Friday evening to Saturday evening) was a weekly Sabbath). They must of prepared them on the 16th and then waited until after the Sabbath.
-Day after the Sabbath- Saturday night into Sunday: Feast of First Fruits. Jesus rises. The women did not go to tomb until early morning Sunday (Luke 24:1, Matt 28:1, Mark 16:1-8)
-John 20:10-18, Mark 16:9 = Mary Magdelene sees Jesus, but he tells her not to touch him for he has not ascended yet- to present himself to God as the first fruits. (later, he allows Thomas to touch him)