Exodus by Chuck Missler

Exodus: Session 1 (Introduction, ch 1-2)

Significance of the number two

-Red Sea divided-Veil divided

Ch. 1-6= Our need for redemption/our enslavement to sin
Ch.7-11=God’s might/His ability to perform the redemption
Ch.12-18=The character of redemption/blood purchase
Ch.19-24=Duty that redemption implies obedience
Ch.25-40=Tabernacle. His provision for our failures

Exodus becomes a model in a larger sense:

                 -Egypt a type of the world      -Pharaoh’s magicians (2 named)

                 -Israel a type of believer         -Pharaoh a type of Satan

                 -Moses a type of Jesus

Exodus foreshadows a future exodus (Matt 24-25)

God’s program for Israel was laid out in Gen 15:13-16

                 -Amorite’s Iniquity not yet full. Is there a limit to one’s sin? (Matt 23:32, 1 Thess 2:16)

Ch 1:1 uses ‘Jacob’ not ‘Israel’.

-30 years pass? Acts 7:6, Exo 12:40. 430 year total, 400 years bondage.

Who is Pharaoh?

                 -Acts 7:17-18= “Another Pharaoh”. The Greek word for ‘another’ means ‘different’. Not ‘another’ as in ‘heteros’ (another of the same).

                 -Isa 52:3-4=The Assyrian oppressed them. Was Pharaoh actually an Assyrian? He’s not there by dynasty but by conquest? That would explain his insecurity over the Hebrews.

Ch. 2

-word ‘Moshe’ is close to the Egyptian word meaning “to draw from the water”.

Heb 11:23- by faith they knew what to do. Faith comes by hearing. God told them?

Heb 11:24= Moses didn’t want the throne.

-Exo 2:13= Moses went out the 2nd day. Rumor spread already.

-How many men waited 40 yrs before doing God’s work?


-child of slave, son of a queen                 -born in a hut, raised in royalty                -inherited poverty, enjoyed wealth

-leader or armies, becomes keeper of flocks         -educated but dwelt in desert…

Exodus Session 2 (Ch 3-7)


-Moses was rejected before seeing the burning bush

-Moses is familiar with the Mt. Horeb area

-Deut 33:16=’bush’ ‘dwelt’ word is ‘shah-chan’ (Shikinah Glory)

-Fire/brass=judgement. Bush being judged. ‘bush’ word is ‘seneh’=’to prick’.

                 -a bramble or thorn bush. Thorn=sin, of the desert.

                 -note: a ‘crown of thorns’. A ‘root of the dry ground.’ Isa 53.

-The image of the burning bush is also a prophetic furnace. Deut 4:20=Iron Furnace=Egypt

-Moses shoes. In wilderness, shoes made from parpa skins (also tabernacle covering. Shoes can symbolize walking/service.

-God speaking in 3s often in this chapter.

Tetragammeton= I am, I was, I continue to be. YHWH.

                 -The gospel of John is organized around the 7 ‘I am’ statements of Jesus.

                 -7 incidences, 7 miracles, 7 discourses, 7 I am statements

                 -Jesus says he is God in John 8:58-59

Ch.4 (Signs)

-Rod symobolizes protection. Rod turns to serpent-symbolizes satan.

                 -Moses has control of it. Psalm 110=rod of God

-Leprosy also symbolized sin. Moses put hand by heart.

-water to blood poured on land.

-“Him whom thou will send.”


-Jethro gives him permission

-God is positioning Israel as His firstborn.

-Where was Aaron these 40 years? In Egypt, now he comes out.

-Why was Moses’ first request of Pharaoh so modest? To demonstrate the unreasonableness of Pharaoh. The feast=sacrifice.

-Pharaoh is speaking on behalf of the world.


Isa 46:10= God’s pleasure is to deliver Israel. Rescue.

-an everlasting covenant has to be made with somebody everlasting. Titus 1:2, Eph 2:7, tell us it was made with Christ before time began. Isa 55:3, Heb 13:20, Acts 13:34, Heb 7:22

-God begins his ‘I will speech’ with ‘I am the LORD.

-I will:

                 1. Bring you out       2. Rid you of bondage  3. Redeem you

                 4.Take you to me    5.Be to you a God                 6. Bring you into the land

                 7. Give it to you as a heritage.


-6:14- Genealogy. Levi is 3rd son, Moses is 3rd child. 3= number of redemption

-God hardens Pharaoh’s heart to show His strength.

-Matt 18:7= Pharaoh, Judas, Satan

Exodus Session 3 (ch 7-9)

-God told Moses he would be initially unsuccessful

-more than a nationalistic focus “so the Egyptians will know”

-Egypt-model of the world, model of Satan


1. All water turned to blood

                 -Nile was worshipped, the source of life

                 -lasted 7 days. What water did the magicians turn to blood?

2. Frogs. They came from the waters

                 -Frogs were worshipped

                 -magicians could do this but not get rid of them

                 -Rev 16:13

3.Gnats/Lice from the dust

                 -magicians told Pharaoh ‘this is the finger of God’.

                 -Herodotus, priests shaved heads for cleanliness. Life made it impossible for them to worship.

                 -Moses does not warn Pharaoh or request of Pharaoh

                 -we don’t hear of the magicians again.

4. Swarms of flies

                 -Beelzebub means ‘lord of the flies’

                 -God first makes a distinction between Israel and Egypt

                 -Psalm 78 says various sorts of flies/insects

5. Livestock Plague in the fields

6.Boils- from ashes from the furnace. Furnace is to an alter of Typhon?


                 -Pharaoh is a god. Egypt the origin of the world, but he says ‘I have sinned. I and my people are wicked.’

                 -Egypt will know who God is.

                 -hail, thunder, fire

                 -how does Moses make it back to palace during the storm when summoned? How long was the storm?

8. Locusts

                 -begin to see clues of God’s overall plan

                 -finish off what was left from storm

                 -East wind brings them in, west wind brings them out to Red Sea

                 -Pharaoh again says ‘I have sinned’.

                 -Proverbs 30:27 says locusts have no king but Rev 9:11 locusts king is Abaddon.

9. Darkness- felt. Lasts 3 days.

                 -Israel: children of the light

                 -God withdrew his light from Egypt

Ex: 12:12 God is judging the Egyptian Gods. In Num 33:4 He is judging demons

Exodus Session 4 (Ch 11, 12)


1st one in Gen 3? Also, the sacrifice of Isaac.

-not a Levitical feast (before law given, before priests, not slaughtered by priests, personally eaten)

-often celebrated on the 14th and 15th

-10th day: lamb selected. 14th day: Passover. 15th-7 days= unleavened bread.

-was said somewhere: 1 lamb for no less than 10 people, no more than 20

-Israel will leave Egypt with riches to use later

-Month of Nisan/Abib becomes first month

-this plague is on Israel too. All deserve death. Nothing they can do to be saved. They (Israel) no more savable than Egypt.

Ex. 12:12= God says He is the smiter. Both of man and beast. 12:23 mentions the ‘destroyer’. The destroyer is working in God’s name, God has the authority.

-2 side posts and lentil draws a cross?

-why no leaven? Because on first Passover, no leaven was present. Kneading troughs were packed.

-Egyptian word “Pesh” means to spread wings over. Peshach?

-Pharaoh’s heir was hit.

-Passover was observed 2nd year (at Sinai) but not mentioned again until Joshua entered land.

-other Passovers mentioned in the Bible: Solomon (2 Chron 8), Hezekiah (2 Chron 30), Josiah (2 Kings 23), Ezra (Ezra 6). 7 total mentions of observance in OT.

-Ezekiel 9:4= mark on forehead. Like mark on the houses. Judgement always starts at the sanctuary.

-“Hagadah” means ‘showing forth” (1 Cor 11).

Christ the Lamb

-said so by John the Baptist

-1 Peter 1:18-19= no blemish

-selected on the 10th

-Psalm 34:20= no broken bone

-same place as Isaac

-mentioned 28 times in Revelation (a multiple of 7)

Random notes

Exo. 12= from Ramses to Succoth

11 days from Mt. Horeb to Kadesh Barnea (Deut 1:2)

3 measures of meal is a fellowship offering

-4th feast is only feast with levin.

Exodus Session 5 (Ch 13-15)

-The first born of every family and animal died

-So God wants the first born of all families and animals sanctified to Him. (set apart) but males only.

-2nd feast: Feast of Unleavened Bread, a week long, often bunched in with ‘Passover’.

A sign on they right hand and between the eyes (like mark of the beast)

                 -Jewish tradition of Torah placed in these spots

                 -imitated by the Antichrist

                 -this, and sanctifying 1st born doesn’t start until they get to the promised land.

Body of Joseph taken along (Joseph a type of Christ). Buried at Shecem in Josh 24:33


City names:

Succoth=tent/booth                Phiahiroth= place of liberty                       Migdol= tower or fortress

Baalzephan= land of the North/judgement

3 things we should do in the face of adversity: Fear Not, Stand still, See the salvation of the Lord (14:13)

14:16= the Leader became the Protector

Red Sea

-not the reed sea. The water was heaped up. A water like a wall on the right side and the left (14:22) (14:29) The Israelites walk on dry ground but the Egyptians drowned, and all their chariots (14:28)

-represented the boundary of Satan’s authority (Egypt’s authority)

-symbolized baptism

-passing thru death to life

-“sea” often symbolizes a people/gentile world

-Every great empire has been judged/will be judged by how they treat Israel

Ch.15= the song of the redeemed

Moses’ song. Ist song/poem in scripture

                 -Do angels sing? They shout in Job 38:7, praise in Luke 2:13, say in Rev 5:11,12. Only the redeemed are said to sing in scripture.

-Exodus 15:13 sums up entire book of Exodus. A foreshadowing of Jesus work.

Exo 15:18 Pharaoh’s horse goes into the sea

Exo 15:22= 3 days journey into wilderness from Red Sea. No water. Bitter water “marah”. Naomi says she’s Marah.

                 -Moses did what they should have done: cry out to the Lord

                 -Moses uses a ‘tree’ to give them water. Rev 22- trees of life

                 -no statutes/rules in Egypt for them. Nothing applied until they were delivered. First ‘statute’.

Exodus Session 6 (ch.16)

Manna means “what is it” or “what’s it?”. Israelites called it that, but God always called it “bread”. Only once did God call it “manna” and that was calling it what they call it. Their refusal to call it “bread” makes their name for it kind of derogatory.

Num 11:4- mixed multitude. A tainting influence.

Num 11:5- remembering Egyptian food.

Manna:    -Angel’s food (Psalm 78:25)

                 -white, small, round (16:14) looked like coriander seed or bdellium (Num 11:7)

                 -tasted like wafers made of honey (16:31) or cakes baked with oil (Num 11:8).

                 -fell on top of the dew (Num 11:9)

                 -could be baked, boiled, grounded, beat into mortar (Num 11:8)

                 -every man gets an omer. Omer=1/10h of epha or 6 pints.

Manna as synonym for the Word (Jer 15:16, Rev 10:9-1) Like the Word, manna is:

                 -a supernatural gift                                   -accessible. Came to where the people were

                 -small in size                                              -white/pure

                 -hat to be eaten to be beneficial            -can’t get it for somebody else

                 -had to be gathered daily, in the morning  -gathering took work, diligence

                 -get on knees to get it                              -incomprehensible to the natural man

                 -preserved in the golden pot (Heb 9:4)  -must be used, not stored

                 -free gift to God’s elect/sheep                -came down from heaven in the midst of murmurings/wilderness

                 -to each individual/personal                   -gathered by appetite (wanes at times)

                 -free                                                            -on dew, not dust

                 -sweet (S of S 2:3, Psalm 104:34)

Jesus: “I am the bread of life”. The “hidden manna” (Rev 2)

Ch 17 The smitten rock- smitten by the rod of judgement (see The 2 Rocks in Wilderness paper)

Note: first word is ‘And’                                   Study ‘rock’/’stone’

They camped at Rephidim where there was no water. Murmured again. Why Amalekites came: for the water?

-God instructs Moses to smite the rock while God is on top of the rock.

-God led them to their problem. We must trust for Him to solve it.

-God the Rock (Deut 32:15, 2 Sam 22:2, Ps 95:1, Isa 32:2, Matt 16:18, Matt 21, 1 Corinth 10:1-6, Isa 53)

-water (Holy Spirit) doesn’t come until the Rock is smitten.

-free, like the manna

-flowed thru the dessert like a river (Ps 105:41)

-‘rock’ here is different than in Numb 20.

Exodus Session 7 (Ch 17-19)


-Amalek in Rephidim.

-Moses chose Joshua to lead battle

-Amalek doesn’t fight them until after they get water. Amalek symbolizes flesh?

-Amalek came upon the rear of the group (Deut 25:17-18)

-Balaam prophecies of Amelek destiny to be destroyed (Num 24:20)

-Amalek: grandson of Esau.

-They only win while Moses holds up arms and rod of judgement. When he tires, they have a set back. He gets support from others to help when he tires so he won’t give in to the flesh. Aaron (symbolizing priesthood/prayer) and Hur (means ‘light’)

-hold up hands in prayer (Ps 28:2, 1 Tim 2:8)

Flesh vs Spirit

-God doesn’t change heart but makes new            -Flesh doesn’t fight with those it rules

-once we have the Spirit, we are at war with the flesh

-Flesh usually takes initiative in the fight. Fights to the death.

-God will not invade our sovereignty, we fight our own flesh. But we can willingly give it to God to fight for us.


-seems out of place. Thought to occur after the 10 commandments when about to leave Sinai

-In Num 11:11-17, God instructs Moses to set up 70 elders.


                 -Moses’ father in law. Priest of Midian. Recognizes God, becomes believer. Has heard of Red Sea events.

Zipporah- type of Israel? Not church.

                 -Did she separate from Moses back in Exo 4? And was she upset with Moses?

                 -Missler believes she was resistant to having sons’ circumsized and did it reluctantly.

                 -fruit of her marriage is 2 sons: Gershom (stranger/alien) and Eliezer (God’s helper). Why isn’t he mentioned here?

Jethro gives Moses council. In a spiritual sense, he is a foreigner.

Ch.19 Arrive at Sinai 3rd month

-note: Israel is under first law in ch.15 prior to Sinai

Abrahamic covenant= 1 party covenant (unbreakable)

Mosaic/Sinaitic covenant=2 party covenant (breakable)