Notes by EJ Ashmore
Session 1- Chapter 7 (vs 1-8)
First Year under Belzezaar
Great Sea (Mediterranean)/ sea also represents “gentiles” or “peoples”.
4 Beasts
- Like a lion. Eagle wings torn off, human mind. (something tamed?) (Babylon. King humbled?)
- Like a bear. Lopsided, ribs in mouth. “eat your fill”. (Medo-Persia?)
- Like a leopard. 4 wings, 4 heads. Authority to rule. (Greece?)
- Different beast. Iron teeth, devours, tramples. 10 horns.
Resembles Chapter 2’s Nebuchadnezzar’s image.
Vs 11-12 – boastful words
-other beasts still alive, allowed to live for a time after being conquered (Joel’s belief)
-Near and far?
Interpretations of beasts- purely historical? Like chapter 2 image? But is ch. 2 image purely historical?
-4 contemporary gentile nations together at once, not related to ch. 2.
-Beasts are kings in one empire.
In contrast to antichrist’s kingdom: instead of sudden destruction, the beasts kingdoms die off slowly.
Vs 1-8=4 beasts
Vs 9-14= heavenly court room
Vs 15-28= little horn
Session 2
Chapter 7 (vs 9-14)
-4 Beasts – from image of chapter 2?
The throne room-court scene
-God dwells in his creation. At the height of the heavens, yet still in His creation.
Ancient of Days= most high
Jesus= highest one.
Throne= has wheels. A chariot?
-This scene also in Revelation 4. But Daniel doesn’t see 24 elders.
Book of Daniel in a “Chastic Structure” (main point of book is in the middle), like a mountain with chapter 7 as the peak/ pinnacle. Peak in chapter 7: “Son of Man”.
-7:13 – 7:14= Son of Man. Self-revelation of God.
-“like a son of man” God not a son of man, but looks like one.
-First time in OT “son of man” is used vs Ezekiel- Daniel statement is in Aramaic. This is referred to the “cloud rider” vs Ezekiel is referred to a mere man.
-This is what Jesus meant when he quotes this from Daniel when being tried (Matt 26:64). He quoted it in Aramaic, so the enemies knew exactly what he meant- the one coming on the clouds to open the scroll. Stephen also quotes this. We know they know what is meant by this by their reaction.
Dan 7:13-14 : In my vision in the night I continued to watch, and I saw One like the Son of Man coming with the clouds of heaven. He approached the Ancient of Days and was led to His presence. And He was given dominion, glory, and kingship, that the people of every nation and language should serve Him. His dominion is and everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and His kingdom is one that will never be destroyed.
Matt 26:64 : “You have said it yourself” Jesus answered, “But I say to all of you, from now on you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of Power and coming on the clouds of heaven.”
Deut 33:26 : There is no one like the God of Jeshurun, Who rides the heavens to help you, and in His excellency on the clouds.
Heavenly counsel also seen in:
Psalm 82 (God chastises the gods, heavenly counsel), Psalm 89:5-7, 1 Kings 22 (discussion about Ahab), Dan 4:13-14 -watchers (discussion in counsel of what to do with Nebuchadnezzar).
Session 3
-Some say he’s not coming back on the clouds (NT Wright – allegorizes it).
Deut 33- Imagery of coming on the clouds- should be read as future-tense because he hasn’t yet come as like a son of man. “Lord will come from Sinai”. Storm clouds and fire.
Vs 15: Beasts are kings/kingdoms.
“whole Earth” the word for Earth is also translated as land, region. So whole land/region/kingdom/world?
“All kingdoms under whole heaven” = literally the whole world.
Session 5 (chapter 8:9-14)
By Dalton Thomas
Vs 9= Rise of the little horn
Vs 10= casting down/trampling
Vs 11-12= transgression, army, sacrifices removed
Vs 13-14= 2300 days of trouble
Vs 9= Out of one of them came a little horn, which grew exceedingly great toward the south, toward the east, and toward the glorious land.
Little horn. Antichrist. South and East.
Vs 10= And it grew up to the host of heaven; and it cast down some of the host and some of the stars to the ground, and trampled them (KJV)
-trampled and cast down= the truth, the host, the stars, and the sanctuary. All are cast down.
-Grow to the host of heaven (Rev 12:7-9: Now war arose in heaven, Michael and his angels fighting against the dragon. And the dragon and his angels fought back, but he was defeated, and there was no longer any place for them in heaven. And the great dragon was thrown down, the ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world-he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him. Vs 12 therefore, rejoice, O heavens and you who dwell in them! But woe to you, O earth and sea, for the devil has come down to you in great wrath, because he knows that his time is short!”
Host of Heaven= God (? Dalton’s view).
Tribulation and war break out in heaven and Earth at abomination of desolation (AofD).
Vs 11-12= He even exalted himself as high as the Prince of the host; and by him the daily sacrifices were taken away, and the place of His sanctuary was cast down. And an host was given him against the daily sacrifices by reason of transgression, and it cast down the truth to the ground; and it practiced and prospered(KJV).
Cast the saints (stars?) down? When antichrist rises, so does Michael (Rev 12:7-9). And sacrifices stopped.
-Place of his sanctuary cast down- man of sin cast out of his own sanctuary (Dalton views “his” as referring to the man of sin. Is this the man of sin or the Prince of the Host?) KJV capitalizes “Prince of the host” and “His”. ESV capitalizes “Prince” but not “his”. He gets this from Rev 12:7-10. So he thinks restrainer is Satan, because he doesn’t want the time to end. But what and how is he restraining?
Vs 13-14 : Then I heard one saint speaking, and another saint said unto that certain saint which spake, “How long shall be the vision concerning the daily sacrifice, and the transgression of the desolation, to give both the sanctuary and the host to be trodden under foot?” And he said unto me “Unto two thousand and three hundred days; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.” (KJV).
-Concerning the daily sacrifices/sanctuary, and the restoration/cleansing = 2300 days. (ESV says evenings and mornings, then the sanctuary shall be restored to its rightful state).
Daniel is first to use the term “Abomination of Desolation”, also first to use a time-frame.
-2300 days is 6.3 calendar years or 6.4 Jewish years. So sacrifices start just after the confirmation of a covenant (just after the 7 years begins).
-Daniel hasn’t even seen the 2nd temple be built yet, and here he is talking of the 3rd temple.
-When Satan is cast down, he then gives authority to the antichrist, and AofD.
See also:
Dan 12:1-7, Rev 12:7-14, 2 Thess 2, Matt 24:15-31
Session 6 (chapter 8)
By Joel Richardson
Interpretation of timing of Daniel 8
All Future | Traditional: Historical/ Future |
-Gabriel says it is all future (Vs. 17: “understand, O son of man, that the vision is for the time of the end (ESV).vs 19: He said “Behold, I will make known to you what shall be at the latter end of the indignation, for it refers to the appointed time of the end”. (ESV). -term “1st King” Greece/Yavon (Turkey) -ram and goat are very specific (Medo/Persia and Greece). -makes for a long time for the future | – chapter 10:14 refers to 1st year of Darius the Mede being latter days/days yet to come, yet 3 more Persian kings. For example: Lion-Babylon Bear-Medo-Persia Leopard-Greece -makes for a much closer time in the future -vs 2-8 historical, rest is future? |
-First year of Darius, Dan learns about the 70 years from Jeremiah.
-Notice the centrality of the prayer in this chapter.
-most o the prayer is for his people, Jerusalem.
-70 years of Jeremiah vs 70 weeks in Daniel
-Isaiah’s prophesy on Cyrus fulfilled.
-Jeremiah’s prophesy of 70 years, fulfilled (almost for Dan).
-Dan’s 70 weeks, not all fulfilled (future for Dan).
-The prayer: Dan is concerned about the lack of righteousness of Israel, they aren’t ready. God says they won’t be ready until the end of the 70th week.
-Dan understands the past desolation of Jerusalem, God reveals the future desolation of Jerusalem.
-vs 24= 6 promises
-vs 25= 69 weeks
-vs 26= after 69 weeks

Session 8 (chapter 9)
By Dalton Thomas
The Burden of Dan: Dan’s travail over the 2 covenants (The Prayer)
-he framed the prayer in the covenant.
-“we” he identifies with Israel in their sin and indifference. He was tender hearted, merciful.
-Dan has a high view of judgement but also of mercy.
-“You did this”- God is sovereign, not accusatory.
-“curse (Mosaic: a cycle of return/exile) and oath (Abrahamic, Dan finds rest)” -He knows his history, covenants.
-Dan worries they’ll just screw up again and continue the cycle. When will the oath be seen?
-These covenants (Mosaic and Abrahamic) are the centerpiece of the 70 yrs vs 70 weeks.
-“When would we have that righteousness?”
-Israel is still living under the Mosaic covenant, not accepting new one-Abraham’s.
-reminding God of His sanctuary, His city. The city, sanctuary are only holy because of God, because of election (Abraham covenant).
-Dan knew their return to Jerusalem wasn’t enough. They need something/somebody to break the cycle.
This prayer is the lead-in to the 70 weeks part.
Session 9 (chapter 9:24-27)
By Joel Richardson
-See Joel’s notes.
70 x 7 = 490
70 Shavouts (weeks of years)
FAI is premillenialists/restorationists
-6 promise:
-to finish transgression -to make an end to sin
-atonement for iniquity -bring everlasting righteousness
-seal up vision and prophesy -anoint the most holy place
Session 10 (chapter 9:25-27)
By Joel Richardson
-7 weeks and 62 weeks = 69 weeks (483 yrs)= decree then Messiah cut off.
-the only decree for the city is Artexerxes Longemous in Nehemiah in 444 BC.
-444 BC plus 483 years = March 30 AD 33 = Triumphant entry on donkey.
-the prophesy points to Jesus.
-“people of the prince to come”
-preterists say this is either Jesus or Titus
-replacement theology “stops sacrifice”.
-Romans? Armies of Titus were not Roman ethnicity but Arab.
-Josephus says Titus and commanders tried to stop the fire of the temple. Romans were proud of their tolerance (of other ethnicities). Josephus says that the soldiers (Arabs) burning the temple hated the Jews more than their fear of Titus.
-Affirm a covenant for one week (7 years): the last week- the 70th. Mosaic covenant? A peace treaty?
-God warns not to enter a covenant with the peoples.
Session 11 (chapter 10:1- 11:20)
By Joel Richardson
-4th vision
-3rd year of Cyrus
-Dan mentions his Babylonian name here, like the Persian ruler. He writes in the 3rd person.
-Dan understands this vision, unlike the others.
-what takes place on earth is much related to the principalities.
-Times change, but the principalities (Elohim) don’t.
-all four visions have a gap (church)
-most of this vision is between the north and south.
-Antiochus Epiphanes- 8th Seleucid king, a type of antichrist. Near and far vision.

Session 12 (chapter 11:21-12:13)
By Dalton Thomas
-most commentators associate 11:21 with Epiphanes
-it is also mainly talking about antichrist. A near and far vision. Epiphanes doesn’t do everything in the vision.
-most commentators start the antichrist at vs 36.
Before Trib: During Trib After Trib:
-vs.1-20 vs 21-30 Ch.12:1-3
31-45 (conquest)
Ch.12:4-13= more details about the tribulation
-When you don’t know the prophecies, you tend to align yourself with the wrong powers.
7 Preliminary Observations
-structural, grammatical integrity -prominence of events in Jerusalem
-centrality of the Holy Covenant -prominence of events in Mid East
-eschatological nature of terminology
-preeminence of these verses in NT eschatology
Session 13 (chapter 11:21)
By Dalton Thomas
-in early church it was very normal to talk about end times, antichrist, even amongst new Christians.
2 Thess= a persecuted church. Great falling away. Antichrist revealed, abomination of desolation
In Acts, Paul was in Thess for 3 weeks.
-What’s restraining the antichrist? Thess knows
-spirit of the antichrist has always been around, casting shadows of himself/types
-God sends a strange delusion
Deut 13:= signs and wonders will deceive even the elect.
-Lord is testing to see how loyal we are.
-false prophet teaches rebellion. Must be consistent with God.
-sings and wonders are not proof of God.
1 John 2 (epistle of Love)- antichrist vs Spirit of antichrist
1 Tim 3:16= mystery of godliness= God in the flesh.
Mystery of iniquity= Satan in the flesh.
God uses evil people to test our faith.
Session 14 (chapter 11:21-31)
By Dalton Thomas
The forced eviction of Satan, rise of antichrist. Time is short (Rev 13)
-In Rev, the dragon is Satan, the Beast is the antichrist
Vs.21= he comes and takes somebody else’s place. Not from royalty but from the shadows, unexpected, without warning, quickly.
Vs.23= alliance/agreement/pact. Strong with a very small people.
Vs.24= doing what neither his fathers did.
Vs.25= against king of the south/Egypt. North= antichrist?
Holy covenant= Abrahamic covenant.
Ships of Kittim= Mediterranean area naval
Vs.31= start of great trib.
Session 15 (chapter 11:31-45)
By Dalton Thomas
Vs 31= abomination of desolation
Vs.32= Christians will stand firm
Vs.33= the wise will teach, council
-another clash with king of the south
-Edom, Moab, main part of Ammonites are spared.
-Jordan, Saudi Arabia area
-Antichrist is alarmed by something in the North and East.
-tents between seal and mountain (between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem)
-Read Isa 16 and 19: fall of Egypt to antichrist.
Session 16 (chapter 12)
By Dalton Thomas
Vs.1= At that time (the reason Antiochus Epiphanes is not the antichrist)- when the antichrist comes to his end. Michael still fights.
-when Israel is delivered.
Vs.2= dead are raised.