There is something precious about glorifying God in our condition (in the flesh) that even the angels cannot understand. A man once said: We only get one opportunity to love Jesus in a way that is costly and rare.
-so, once we are in our eternal, perfect state, we will not have such an opportunity again. The angels marvel at how we love God while in the midst of suffering.
What it Means to Suffer as a Christian
-there’s no doubt that the Bible, specifically the New Testament, warns that God’s people will go through trials and tribulations
-even Daniel 7 makes it known how God’s people will be handed over to be oppressed by the antichrist before being exalted
-there’s a difference between tribulation and wrath. Tribulation has many purposes: discipline and growth, for example. It has a positive outcome in mind. But wrath is God’s anger, with no other purpose but to punish. Christians aren’t saved from tribulation, but we are saved from God’s wrath.
Suffering in General
-God does not always change our circumstances or relieve our sufferings. But He will walk through it with us, comforting and teaching us.
-the trials and tribulations that come with being alive and being a child of God. Whether being persecuted for the faith or innocent suffering.
Suffering in the Flesh
-this is being human. Being subject to the elements, hunger and thirst. Physical pain. Aging. Sickness and death. Everything that angels don’t endure, they look upon us and see it as a form of suffering.
End Times Suffering
-only one generation of Christians will go through this regardless of when the rapture will be. This is the maturing of the church, the bride making herself ready, clothing herself in white (Rev 19:7). The church during the tribulation openly choses to drink their cup of suffering for the sake of Christ and for the sake of Israel: bringing Israel to jealousy which opens their eyes to Christ. Only persecution unites the church in solidarity under Christ, bringing it to full maturity.
-other times of intense persecution also bring about such results in the church.
-I do have to point out the obvious, that there have been many times in history of intense suffering and persecution.
-When I mean persecution, I mean real persecution. You can tell because there’s a direct relationship between persecution and unity in the church.