–UNSEEN REALM by Michael Heiser: All your deep Bible questions answered here, specifically of the Old Testament. Michael Heiser is the most renowned OT scholar who has opened the world of scholars to the lay people but with a the foundation of his faith in Jesus Christ and the Bible being God’s inspired Word. Here you’ll find all about the Heavenly Council, being God’s imagers, predestination vs foreknowledge in the Bible, the “Two Powers” in Heaven, God’s holiness and sacred space, the other “elohim”, the portioning of the nations and why Israel is God’s portion (Deut 32:8-9).
–SON OF MAN: THE GOSPEL OF DANIEL 7 by Samuel Whitfield: Daniel 7, mainly the throne room portion of the vision and its interpretation as the main focus of all the gospels. This is why Jesus calls himself Son of Man, and how calling himself this is blasphemy. This also explains the Kingdom Jesus keeps referring to, the reason for all his “ascending/descending” talk, and the reason he tells many to not call him the Messiah in the gospels until after He has risen.
–SON OF MAN: THE APOSTLE’S GOSPEL: by Samuel Whitfield. How the apostles spread the gospel using Daniel 7. Lots of focus on the kingdom, the role (and need) of suffering for exaltation by both Jesus and His people, and how the book of Revelation is an expansion of Daniel 7.
-SINAI TO ZION: by Joel Richardson: The book that inspired my books. Joel Richardson beautifully lays out the love story of the bride and bridegroom (God and His people) in the exodus, portraying it as a betrothal and how it fits the ancient marriage customs of the day. He then shows how the whole Exodus is a precursor, or a template, for the end times.
-WHAT DOES GOD DESIRE: by Samuel Whitfield: How to be a true disciple. It’s not about Bible knowledge, but about relationship. The whole purpose for everything, including the fall, is because God wants to be known on a personal level. Not only that, He wants intimate personal relationships to share these attributes and His glory with. Samuel proves this with Daniel 7 (the full gospel) as the answer to Jesus’ prayer of John 17.
–THE BOOK OF GOD AND MAN: A STUDY OF JOB by Robert Gordis: Get in deep with Job and what it’s really about: disinterested righteousness and the “doctrine of retribution”.
–VICTORY OVER THE DARKNESS by Niel T Anderson: I read this during a hard time in my life when I questioned who I was and my purpose. This gave me much better perspective on myself as well as humanity.
–THINK DIFFERENTLY LIVE DIFFERENTLY by Bob Hamp. Another life-changing book when I struggled with who I was and my purpose. This went well with VICTORY OVER THE DARKNESS. I’ve been to many classes of Bob Hamp’s, and he’s a great teacher. It’s not about changing your thinking patterns, but about changing your source. This also had a profound impact on how I saw the Adam and Eve story in Genesis.
Other Books Important to Me:
I DON’T HAVE ENOUGH FAITH TO BE AN ATHIEST by Norman L Geisler and Frank Turek. Probably the best apologetics book out there. Very sound.
Any book by Joel Richardson: Mideast Beast, When a Jew Rules the World, Sinai to Zion
Any book by Chuck Missler
THE PROBLEM WITH PAIN by CS Lewis. A difficult book to read but pain and suffering are needed yet way more complicated than we think.
SEEKING ALLAH, FINDING JESUS by Nabeel Qureshi: another great apologetics book but very personal, the story of Nabeel Qureshi and David Wood, two great teachers and apologists. Nabeel passed away young in 2015.
THE WAY OF AGAPE by Chuck and Nancy Missler: their marriage. I have trouble with marriage books because they all require both participants to try, but this one truly taught me one very important thing when I’m on my own: Give it to Jesus. Every time I got upset, instead of reacting, I whispered: “I give it to you, Jesus.” It sounded silly at first, but in quick time, it became a release. Jesus is just and righteous, He can do with it how He pleases, and I just give it (whatever) to Him.