I DON’T HAVE ENOUGH FAITH TO BE AN ATHIEST by Norman L. Geisler and Frank Turek which delves into intelligent design, moral objectivity, the resurrection of Christ and other great arguments.
But the number one evidence I go back to every time doubts creep into my mind is Israel. Israel is the ultimate witness to the God of the Bible and its authenticity, whether they (the Jews/nation) want to be or not. Even when they try not to be, they still are.
Jonathan Cahn said it best about Isreal in his book THE DRAGON’S PROPHECY: ISRAEL, THE DARK RESURRECTION, AND THE END OF DAYS (Published by Frontline, an imprint of Charisma Media in Lake Mary, Florida, 2024):
...The Anomaly (Israel): The Jewish people have always been a mystery to the world. No other people have ever known so much rejection, antipathy, and hatred. Joined to one land as no other people have ever been so joined to a land- and yet separated from their land and landless as no other people have been so separated from a land or landless. Dwelling apart and separate from the nations as no other people have ever been so separate- and yet so intertwined with the nations and critical to world history as no other people have been so intertwined and critical. No people have ever been so connected to their times and their space, and yet no people have so transcended the parameters of time and space to become near timeless and universal.
They have been the weakest of nations and yet the strongest- the most vulnerable of peoples and most often in danger of extermination- and yet the most enduring of peoples. No people, while on earth, have ever so known the presence of God and glories of heaven- and yet no other people have ever so known the depths of hell. They are an enigma, an anomaly, a paradox, a mystery people.
Why (a kingdom of priests)? What makes Israel unique among the nations, and the Jews, so separate among the people? The answer is God. Though the Jews are known as “the chosen people” the label can be misleading. It was not as if they existed among other peoples and were then chosen by God. Rather, the scriptures record that God called them into existence. They were not chosen for any special attribute they possessed.
...”and you shall be to Me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation”(Exodus 19:6).
(much of the same could be said for the Church)
In the same book, Cahn says this about good and evil proving God’s existence:
Possessing no absolute or true existence of its own, evil is, as well, by nature, parasitic. Being not of the created order, it can exist only by drawing its existence from that order. Evil must use the good. And so though good can exist without evil, evil cannot exist without good. Truth can exist without falsehood, but falsehood cannot exist without truth. Laws can exist without crimes, marriage without adultery, and life without murder, but crimes cannot exist without laws, adultery without marriage, nor murder/death exist without life. Destruction requires structure, immorality requires morality, and sin requires the holy.
…and so the existence of evil inadvertently testifies not against the existence of the good- but for it. It bears witness, unwillingly, for the existence of good- the existence of God.
…God did not create evil, but He did create personhood, consciousness, and wisdom- free will. Free will is a necessity. If one does what is good because one has no choice in doing so, then it is not good. The good must be freely chosen and thus requires free will (pg. 7-8).
Other Proofs
(that convince me, at least)
- intelligent design- for me specifically: biology-the formation of the human body, amongst other things, is fascinating. Also, the way all of creation is designed for our existence
- the laws of physics, dimensionality, and quantum physics (more intelligent design)
- Fibonacci sequence (just another proof of intelligent design)
- the making of the Bible and its continued existence despite everything
- prophecy fulfilled, specifically the Mosaic law as being prophetic and fulfilled by Jesus to the T
- the supernatural realm- it’s there, whether we refuse to admit it or not
- a changed person (a true believer)
“God put enough evidence on this earth for faith to be reasonable but not enough that we could believe in Him by reason alone.”