Day One
Matt 22: Jesus’s last message to the public
Matt 23: Jesus’s last message to the Jewish leaders, includes Woes
Matt 23: 37-39= what the question is referring to.
Matt 24 & 25: Last message privately to the disciples.
Matt 24: 1-3: the question. Who? What? What?
Matt 24:4 and on is the answer.
Preterism: Belief that Matt 24 (and most OT prophesies) have already come true in 70 ad (or earlier) and tat we are in the millennium now. Jesus reigns spiritually only.
Day Two
Matt 24 & 25
24:3 proove that the disciples already know that he must go away and the temple must be destroyed.
24:4: Jesus’s answer, making the disciples question a valid question. And is the destruction of the temple related to his return?
Most important take on Jesus’s answer: Do Not Be Deceived, or led astray. This is our responsibility.
24:5: “Many will come in my name” ties to 23:39.
Come in my name/Christ/Messiah. Messiah means “anointed”. Many will say they are “anointed” or “appointed- means represents God, God’s favor, not necessarily meaning people are saying they are Jesus. Or coming “in my name” as representing, being sent in his name, as in doing something in his name.
Also, leaders of the church using statements inappropriately. “Many will speak on behalf of me/in my name”.
Ex. Days of Isaiah very different then days of Jeremiah.
Isaiah: God will defend Israel if they repent. Must stay in the city.
Jeremiah: the book started with an awakening. But they must submit to exile. The leaders quoted Isaiah, applying it to their own time. It’s too late.
24: 4-8= the birth pains. 24:9-15= social pressures. 24:15-31= specific to tribulation.
We must discern between Braxton Hicks and real contractions. Tribulations and the Great Tribulation.
Day Three
Matt 24:9-14 (the social pressures)
24:9= Then “the tribulation” first mentioned. This is in addition to the birth pains. Include put to death for Jesus’s namesake.
Nations= Ethna. All will hate believers, all will have heard the gospel.
24:10= falling away, social division.
24:11= Many false prophets will lead many away.
24:12= Lawlessness. The love of many will grow cold.
24:13= The one who endures to the end will be saved. Jesus is a message of endurance, not escape.
24:14= This gospel will be proclaimed to all, then the end will come. The mandate for the gospel and the kingdom.
Day Four
Matt 24:15-31 (the Great Tribulation)
24:15= Abomination of Desolation. (Dan 8, Dan 9:26-27, Dan 11:27-Dan 12).
24:16= Flee, flee to the dessert, the wilderness. Back to the wilderness they will find safety. Rev 12:6= where she has a place prepared by God, in which she is to be nourished for 1260 days (3.5 years). Jesus will personally bring them back to Jerusalem when he returns.
24:21=The Great Tribulation begins (when the Abomination of Desolation happens)
24:22= Days cut short ( Is this sunlight time, 24 hours short, or end of times???)
24:29= “Immediately After”= this is when the sun, moon, stars are affected. Cosmic Disturbances.
24:30= Then the sign. The answer to the question of when. All will mourn when they see Jesus coming.
24:31= Angels gather the elect and trumpet call.

Day Five
Matt 24:32- 25:46 (Parables)
7 Parables/7 battles of the heart. Uses the word “know”= we are expected to know.
(see also Michael Pearl’s interpretation of these, he see these as directed to the Jews, in the Great Trib, Kingdom of Heaven vs Kingdom of God).
Parables= Need to be understood within the context of the chapter, not to be used by themselves.
24:32= Fig tree lesson. When you see “these things”, you know that it’s near. “These things” as in the previous verses. Amir Tsarfati interprets “these things” as in what’s happening to the fig tree being Israel. FAI interprets “these things” as in everything in chapter 24 so far.
24:34= This generation will not pass away until all “these things” take place. Again, the things that the generation that sees the abomination of desolation. Or if interpreted like Amir, the generation that saw the rebirth of Israel (Fig tree).
24:36= Know one knows the day or the hour (when he’ll come thru the gates). So we are commanded to know the season, not the exact day or hour. Sky will be dark, Earth knocked off axis, time messed up.
24:37= Days of Noah. Noah knew the season but not the exact day or hour. God always warns, prepares. Chuck Missler and some interpret this as there will be giants on the earth. I interpret it is people will be carrying on their lives as normal when it happens.
Main point of this is not knowing vs knowing. Consequences of not acting/knowing/responding.
24:42= Therefore: stay awake. But know this: You don’t know what day. But know this: know the part of the night.
24:45= The battle for faithful leadership in the household of God.
“Master is delayed” is a scoffing. Not preparing or feeding people food in due season.
25:1= 10 Virgins parable. Battle for personal intimacy with Jesus. Oil = relationship, invest in your relationship with Jesus now.
25:24= Parable of the Talents. Not about stewardship? It’s about what you know about God, afraid of the one who loves you most.
25:31= When he comes he will sit on his throne. Sheep vs goats. Quoting Joel 3= how they treated the Jews.
Day Six
Daniel 7-12
-Daniel is just after Jeremiah, knows of Jeremiah, read letters sent by Jeremiah, as recorded in Jeremiah.
-Babylon migrates exiles into Babylon, de-jewing them.
-Daniel is the only prophet that Jesus names, saying he is a prophet and encourages us to read Daniel.
Ch 7- Stand alone vision= Beast
Ch 8- Ram and Goat vision
Ch 9- mostly prayer, then vision of the seventy 7’s. Abomination of Desolation.
Ch 10, Ch 11, Ch 12- all one vision.
Daniel Ch 8
(by now in Daniel’s time, the temple is destroyed, so the temple he sees in this vision is a new temple to him. He doesn’t know that there is a 2nd temple in between the destroyed one and the vision one). (Also when Jesus quotes this in his end of day speech, the disciples don’t know that the temple in the end times is different then their current temple-the 2nd one).
8:11-12= Little horn. The transgression that makes desolate, effecting the sacrificing.
8:13= How long is the vision? 2300 days and nights. 2300 days and nights it lasts before it gets restored to its rightful state. 2300 from the start of sacrifices, so just under 7 years (6.8 years) (the sacrifices start after the covenant).
Daniel Ch. 9
(Daniel’s long prayer once he finds out from Jeremiah’s writing that Israel’s time in Babylon is just about up) (the 70 weeks prophesy).
-Instead of answering Daniel, God gives a different 70 week period. 70 weeks=70 sets of 7 years (360 day years). -1st 7= decree -62= actually rebuilt. Ends when Jesus is anointed then cut off. -Last 7= last 7 years. Tribulation.
Daniel Ch. 10= Daniel’s 3 week fast and prayer (21 days). Speaks with Gabriel.
Daniel Ch.11= From here on out is the Antichrist, the final week. -King of the South=Egypt.
-Season of persecution and stumbling and purification of the saints. Matt 24 is a paraphrase of this.
-2 Thess 2= Vs 36 and on.
-Defies sanctuary, divides land. Kings of the South and North come in against.
-Edom, Moeb, Ammonite area is spared, this is where the Jews are protected.
Daniel Ch 12
= Matt 24. Till time of the end. Resurrection of the dead.
-Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.
-2 angels, one on each side of the stream. Dan asks them how long will these wonders be. One angel swears by God- 3.5 years when the power of the Holy people are shattered. Daniel doesn’t understand.
-1290 days =3.5years and 30 days. 1260 days is 3.5 years.
-Daniel 8 says 2300 days. -1335 days. 45 days longer? Referring to 360 day years.

Day 7
*Keep in mind: Gen 3:15= seed vs seed. Rev 19:13= Christ treads the winepress. The crushing one.
Numbers 24= Balaam and Balak talk of the seed. “King will be greater than Agag”/Agog.
Gog is antichrist? Because he is ultimately Satan’s seed?
Gog says what Daniel 8 says of the antichrist- to plunder.
-Sheba, Dedan, Tarshish will speak up (Saudi Arabia, Europe area)
-The Lord causes all this for His own glory.
Day Eight
(Ezekiel 39)
God brings Gog, but He is also against Gog. *Do not oversimplify God’s sovereignty, very complex. Not simply cause and effect. He allows tragedy for His own glory- very complex.
“Chief Prince” is that an angel? Michael?
39:2= “mountains of Israel”= all of Israel.
39:4= Jesus treads the winepress alone. Not because saints aren’t helping but because the world isn’t helping. Only Jesus gets the glory. “Crushing One” Psalm 110, Numbers 24.
Theme of the 2 Feasts
Marriage Feast (the marriage story begins at Mt Sinai (Moses and leaders have marriage feast on Mt Sinai)
-Isaiah 4 and 25= Mt Zion Hoopa cloud, feast on Mt Zion. (Hoopa= canopy, what Jews get married under).
-Feast on the Flesh= for the birds. Psalm 68. Rev 19. Great Supper of God.
39:7= Purpose: to make known my Holy Name. “That Day” He no longer lets His name be blashphamied. As a direct result, all will know his holy name.
*Gog has to be the antichrist here. This happens at the end of the great Trib, because Jesus ends it.
39:9= 7 months of cleaning. Gog is buried in Israel mass grave.
39:21= Purpose= Display God’s glory from that day forward. Israel saved when He returns.
39:25= Restoration of Israel (after Gog war) -Gog and arms brought to Israel by Gog (from the North), some of Israel is in the land.
-purpose of Gog= seize land/spoil. For God= glory
-Earthquake, God comes with cosmic events, army kills themselves. Restoration of Israel.
Day Nine and Ten= no notes
Day Eleven
(Zech 12-14)
Zech 13: Because they could see clearly now, they could see the objects of their blindness, in anger they rid themselves of it and everything that resembled their old ways. Cleansing.
Poem at end of Ch. 13= against Israel.
-Israel is 2/3 cut off, 1/3 is put through the fire and tested.
Zech 14: The siege in the Day of the Lord. Remnant is not totally cut off from the city. Some stay, some flee.
Day Twelve
(Romans 11: the remnant of Israel)
11:11= Blindness ultimately because God also wanted the church/ gentiles. But he will bring in the Jews, provoked by jealousy. Jews jealous because it seems that gentiles getting a free ride compared to the Jews.
-God caused the blinding, in Matt 23:37, for the sake of the gentiles.
-God’s love for them is above their sin.
11:23= Gifts and calling of God are irrevocable. In the context, this is about the Jews.
Day Thirteen
(Titus 2)
2:13= What is our blessed hope? The coming of Jesus. 2 appearances: 1= of grace (lamb), 2= of glory (lion).
Training us= Renounce ungodliness, worldly lusts. What we say “no” to.
= How we live. What we say “yes” to.
=Righteousness, Godly obedience. What to expect.
**For all people, not about Universalness, but about Availability.
Hope-traps= death/ going to heaven, also conversion of the world. Yes these are good, but shouldn’t be our #1 hope.
Hope-helpers= Focus on the return of the Lord. His Kingdom. His presence.
=Jesus teaches his disciples to hope/expect His return.
=apostles faith is anchored by what happened and what will happen.
=be sanctified without blame in anticipation for His return.
Biblical Hope= Grounded in His return.
-worldly hope expresses uncertainty. Biblical hope isn’t wishful thinking. It’s more certain. Spoken with confidence.
-Biblical hope is bound in the belief that scripture has supreme authority.
-exalts Jesus
-shows God’s great purpose and redemption.
-provides us with how we should live our lives.
-does your mind return to it frequently?
-is there an eagerness for Maranatha fast?
-do you pray for His coming?
-do you make this your constant intercession?