Chuck Missler’s Ezekiel


Some tidbits about the book of Ezekiel:

               -One of 3 “captivity prophets”

               -A 70 year captivity. 70 years from each deportation?

               -Neb first defeated Pharaoh Neco, making Babylon the most powerful.

               -On the way back from defeating Neco, they lay siege to Jerusalem (1t siege). During this siege, Neb discovers his father had died, making him king. He returns to Babylon to take the crown, taking some captives and treasures from Jerusalem with him, sets up puppet king (Jehoikim).

               -Later Neb comes back to get 2nd round of captives and treasures, including Ezekiel. 2nd siege.

The book: While Isaiah and Jeremiah are giving a corporate message to Israel/Judah, Ezekiel gives individual call/message.

               -Ch 1-4= are prophecies dealing with the coming fall of Jerusalem.

               -Ch 25-32=Judgement of he nations (but not Babylon).

               -Ch. 33-39= Future restoration of Israel and temple. Encouragement.

               -Ch 40-48= Millennial temple and land. The Kingdom.

               -Written to all twelve tribes.

               -Not much said about Jesus’ first coming.

               -Main theme= sovereignty and the glory of God.

Ezekiel the person: son of a priest. Trained as a priest. Becomes a prophet.

               -Living at river Chebar in one of the primary captive settlements.

               -Born about 627 BC. Marries. Deported around age 30.

               -Prophet for about 20 years.

               -Mentions Daniel 3 times.

               -Ezekiel means “God strengthens”.

               -Ezekiel’s title= “Son of Man”.

Session 1

Ch 1

-a times of the gentile when Judah’s king is under exile.

– “Word of the Lord” = 7 times.

– “Hand of the Lord upon him”- he was in the grip of God himself. Not in the spirit, asleep, whatever.

-Compare Ezekiel 1 vs Rev 4 & 5, vs Isaiah 6. These are not allegorical.

               -4 living creatures. Cherubim? Seraphim?

               -whirlwind from the North.

               -cloud enveloping fire.  

-This event effects Ezekiel for the rest of his life, just like with Isaiah, Moses, Paul, John, Daniel. Leaves permanent change.

Images of the 4 living creatues (Cherubim or Seraphim)

               -bronze= judgement.      Calf foot=service

               -wheel in a wheel. Rims full of eyes.

               -4 faces, 4 wings. (6 wings in Isaiah).

4 living creatures like the gospels and 12 tribes of Israel camp:

-david’s blood line, King-Jesus the servant-Jesus the man-Jesus as God
-camp of Judah-Camp of Dan-Camp of Reuben-Camp of Ephraim
With IssacharWith NaphtaliWith SimeonWith Manasseh
With ZebulonWith AsherWith GadWith Benjamen

-these camps surrounded the tabernacle just like the creatures surrounded the throne.

-They camped in the shape of a cross, with Levi at the beginning of each.

Ch 2: Ezekiel eats the scroll (Jeremiah and John also ate it. The word).

Session 2

Ch 3

Ezekiel ate the scroll just like Jeremiah and John.

-God makes Ezekiel just as hard as the people. Yet the gentile would be more receptive to the message than the Israelites. And even with a “hard forehead”, God tells Ezekiel to “fear not”.

-“Thus says the Lord” is taken very seriously among the Israelites. Blasphemy to those who use this phrase lightly. Ezekiel is taking a big risk with saying it to the people.

-Spirit takes Ezekiel to Tel Aviv (not the same one as the modern one) were he sits for 7 days overwhelmed.

-After the 7 days Ezekiel is the “watchman challenge” blood on Ezekiel’s hands if he doesn’t warn. But he has no excuse. For, he ate the scroll, God hardened his forehead, and he was strengthened by God.

Watchman= main duty is not to deliver results but to deliver a warning. See watchmen in 2Kings 9:17, 2 Sam 18.                                               -Ezekiel 33 is a parallel chapter.

Session 3

Time of gentile began with Babylon captivity?

Ch 4

Ezekiel acts out what is to happen

               -drawing a map of Jerusalem with the siege and raid. God forced him to do this. Just like He forced Ezekiel so he could only speak the word of God and nothing else for a period.

Left side (facing East)= 390 days-Israel                   Right side (facing West)= 40 days-Judah

Days representing years= 430 years. What do they represent? Did Ezekiel do this all day every day, or parts of the day?

Vs 9- 9oz of mixed grains and a quart of water a day. These are survival rations. And normally grains aren’t mixed, but when it’s all there is, it’s all piled together to make food. The luxury of following the ceremonial laws is of no more. If they want to eat like heathens, they will eat like heathens.

Ch 5

-Shaving the head and beard= shame, especially for a prophet

-1/3 burned, 1/3 sword, 1/3 scattered. Thirds are used in Revelation too (and Zechariah 13:8), what is the meaning of the thirds?

Session 4

Continuing with ch. 5, focus is on the Remnant. In Jer 23, the return isn’t from Babylon but in the future (from all over). Same with Zech 13:8-9. Daniel 3= refining with fire- a type in Revelation.

-“And they/you shall know that I am the Lord” said 62 times in Ezekiel.

Ch 6

(The explanation of the meaning of Ezekiel’s actions/skits in the previous chapters)

-The mountains= alters in high places. Groves= tree areas where idols worshipped, orgies…

-the Hebrew word for “idols” (“gillul”) in Ezekiel alone is different than the other books. Means “Block-god”.

What does it mean when grave sites are whitewashed? They would whitewash the grave sites so nobody would accidentally step on them, therefore becoming defiled, especially around Passover time. This term is often used when people look holy on the outside but are evil, secretive on the inside.

Vs 8- scattered among the nations, not just Babylon. Future?

“Remnant” see Isaiah 1:9, 10:20, Jer 43:5 and more.

Ch 7

A Lament/song/poem by God. Full of puns. An emotional lament.

-Why would God allow temple to be destroyed? Because its been defiled

-“make a chain” is symbolic for enslavement.

Chapters 6 and 7 amplifying/elaborating on the object lessons of chapters 4 and 5.

Why all this? God is jealous for His holy name.                 

“Famine of the word” Amos also speaks of this.

Ch 8

Ezekiel taken to Jerusalem/temple. God shows him all the abominations.

-Idolatry in the temple. Worship of Tammuz (son of/Nimrod the hunter. Sun-god. See Hislop’s “The Two Babylons”).

-the seventy elders are not the Sanhedrin.

Session 5

Ch 9

-The one man clothed in linen (the others aren’t?) (Is he one of the 6 or is he the 7th?)

-He also marks the 144000 in Rev ch 7 on foreheads, seals them.

-In Rev ch 13, “mark of the beast” in right hand/forehead. Not “on”?

-the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet is “tow” looks like a “t” or cross. Means “mark”.

-slay all who don’t have the mark, starting at the temple. 1 Peter 4- judgment begins at the house of God.

-the temple is defiled by dead bodies, since it is already defiled by their actions and idols.

Ch 10

Shikinah Glory- the cloud. The Cherubs wheels.

-The cloud glory enters the tabernacle in Exodus 40.

-the man clothed in linen takes fire from the wheels.

-the glory of God slowly backs out the way He came in. Goes very reluctantly, in stages. Lingers over the threshold. Rabbis have identified 10 stages of His departure.

-this was warned by Moses in Deut 31:17 (God will hide His face from them…) and Hosea 9:12 (“woe to the when I depart from them”).

What is East of the temple (where the Glory goes)? The Mt of Olives. This is where Jesus ascends in Acts 1. In Zech 14- Mt of Olives splits North and South making a valley go East and West. There is a fault line going East and West thru this mountain. It is an unstable mountain.

Ch 11

East Gate (the usual entrance to the temple area)- 25 men, princes of the people. Bad guys. Judgment on these men.

“cauldron” of vs 3 and 7= wall, protects.  

-Ezekiel cries for the remnant. God reassures him of the remnant.

Vs 19= a new heart. The phrase a “new heart” is like the OT version of “born again”, which is why Jesus expected Nicademis to know what this meant. New heart, new covenant, new spirit.

Session 6

Ch 12

See Matt 13, the 7 Kingdom parables parallel the 7 Rev churches. Eyes to see, ears to hear.

-Ezekiel acts out another message, the escape of Zedekiah. Note Ezekiel never calls him King, for he is not a true king. The message also says that it is not a short-term move.

See this in Josephus: Antiquities 10 section 7 vs 2

               -Zedekiah mocks Jeremiah and Ezekiel because what they say conflicts. Ezekiel says

Zedekiah will never see Babylon, Jeremiah says Zedekiah will be taken to Babylon. Both are right. Before Zedekiah gets to Babylon, his eyes are gouged out.

Vs 17= another acting out of a message. Eating and drinking with anxiety.                             

The days are at hand, no longer prolonged.

What is the link between Genesis 1 and prophesy? That God intervenes. If he created man, he will be intervening. God cares, He’s involved. Man’s existence is not a passive process. God has to be involved to keep man alive and going. Then Chuck Missler uses his famous watch-maker example and goes on a creation/evolution tangent.                                                            

Point: Denying a creator is a close cousin to denying a coming judgement. It denies accountability.

Obedience: people confuse following laws with commitment listening.

Ezekiel preached the fall of Jerusalem for 7 years?

Session 7

Ch 13

(an elaboration of 12:24) The abuse of prophecy/false prophets.

               2 Tim 3:13= believing their own lies. It gets worse over time, deceived by their own lies. Confusing what you come up with in your head/heart with what God says.

               Hos 4:16= Ephraim is joined to idols, leave him to that.

-Prophesying out of their own hearts/minds/spirits. Not necessarily from Satan/demons. Not discerning God’s voice from my own, or others.

Notice God’s emphasis on “my people” the sheep. The apple of His eye. His own is being deceived. He is jealous for them.

Vs 17= false prophetesses (not priestesses). Prophesy is more public. Sorcery is more private.

               -Amulets/veils- in Babylon prophetesses wore these, thought they were magical.

Will they deceive God’s own? God’s name will not be tarnished among his people (and the gentiles), His people will not be harmed, led away from their God.


               See: Gen 6:18, Daniel 1:6-20, 2:17-18, Job 42:7-10, Lev 26.

Famine/Pestilence/sword/beast (these are also in Revelation 6/ 4 horsemen). Ezekiel’s focus here is Jerusalem, Revelation’s is the world.

Session 8

Ch 15 (The Unfruitful Vine)

Context: Zedakah supposed to be keeping his allegiance to Neb.

Vine stuff:

     Deut 32:32=vine. Vine is only good for its fruit (the wood/plant is no good). If no fruit, it’s useless.                                                           

Isaiah 5= Vineyard, wild grapes. Exact prediction.                                                                                                                                                  John 14= True Vine. Fruitbearing is not without its price.       Rev 14= the grapes gathered.

Ch 15 focuses on that the vine is only good for its fruit. If on fruit, it’s useless. Israel given to the fire (judgement).

Ch 16 (Israel as the unfaithful wife)

-the longest chapter in Ezekiel

-abomination= offends the Lord. Unfaithfulness, often in the sexual sense.

-Father Canaanite (an Ammorite), Mother a Hittite- their true spiritual condition.

Ch 16 focuses on the history of Israel, but like the unfaithful wife. God gives them “life”, has pity on it, raises it, marries it.          

-“Spread skirts over thee” become the kinsman redeemer (like in Ruth), take responsibility for. A covenant, a baptism (vs 8, 9)

               -Seal’s/badger’s skin- also covers the tabernacle. Decorating of Israel kind of resembles the tabernacle.

               -bride was perfect.

               -she becomes worse than a harlot (instead of getting paid for service, she pays for it).

               -what caused her to fall? Pride. Like Satan, pride in her beauty.

               -emphasis on God’s oils, fragrances….belonging to God.

               -Molech- human sacrifices, sons and daughters that belong to God.

               -2 woes- a lamentation and a threat.

               -The Philistines and such worshipped their own idols but not others’ idols. Even they were discusted by Israel. Israel worshipped everybody else’s gods and made alliances with others.

The judgement: (for harlotry and murder) Israel vs their sisters. Sisters: Samaria and Sodom.

Restoration: “nevertheless” (a word of relief) they will remember and be ashamed.                             “My Covenant” vs “Their Covenant”.

Session 9

Ch 17

Vs 1-10 (Parable/Riddle of the Eagle) (About Judah/Babylon/Egypt)

Ist Eagle= Babylong         Diff colors= nations Lebanon= Israel/Jerusalem        EastWind=Neb                                                            2nd Eagle= Egypt               Cedars= palace/temple                  Highest Branch= king (Jeconiah)                                                                                    Willow tree= Zedekiah/Israel

-Babylon came to Lebanon/Jerusalem, took Jeconiah. Zedakiah swears an allegiance oath by God. He makes a secret alliance with Egypt. There is no good reason to do this. They had it good with Babylon.

Vs 11-21: Interpretation of the riddle:

The big issue: Zedekiah’s oath to Neb that he swore by God’s name. God takes oaths seriously. In the midst of Babylon Zedakiah will die.

Vs 22-23: -Back to the riddle: God takes the highest branch. Hebrew word for “branch” also used for Nazarite. Used as a pun. “He” shall grow up= Jesus. Cedar branch/king. Echos Psalm 89.

Jehoiachin/Jeconiah/Coniah- son of Jehoiakim. Reigned 3 months at 18 years old, with mother. Taken to Babylon in first invasion. Was in prison from age 18-55, then released by Evil Merdoch. Has sons?

               -No man of his seed shall prosper, written as childless. Looks like Satan won here.

               -Though the blood line is now cursed, Jesus still qualifies as King, he inherited it from Joseph but not thru blood.

-See Matt and Luke’s genealogies. Matt is royal line, the blood line. Legally royal but not by blood. Luke’s is thru Nathan to Mary, blood is thru Mary only. Priest line. Another reason for the virgin birth. So God puts the blood line also thru Nathan because He foreknew the “blood curse” would go on the royal line.

Ch 18 (Generational Curse vs Individual Responsibility)

-here Israel is blaming their fathers for their circumstances.

-They must take responsibility for their own actions. They were given plenty of chances.

-“the just grandfather vs the ungodly son vs the just grandson”. Talking of physical death. If the wicket turns from evil, he shall live, but if the righteous turns to evil, he shall die despite his previous righteousness. This is about repentance.

Ch 19 (A Lamentation by Ezekiel)

-vs 1-9= lions of Judah. Includes Zedekiah in the last 3 princes. East Wind= Neb, Vine= Israel.

-No royal blood line left. David’s throne ends here. Psalm 110. How does the future king then sit on David’s throne?

Events of fall of Jerusalem to Babylon

-After Josiah is killed by  Pharaoh Neco (in battle of Megiddo), Josiah’s son Jehoahaz reigns in Jerusalem for 3 months.

-Pharaoh Neco takes Jehoahaz and replaces him with his brother Eliakim, calling him Jehoiakim.

-Neb battles Jerusalem, takes first round of captives including Daniel. Leaves Jehoiakim with promise of allegiance.

-Jeconiah reigns starting at age 18, for 3 months with his mother. He is still aligned with Egypt.

-During Jeconiah’s 3 months of reign, Neb battles Egypt, both sides lose. On his way back to Babylon, stops at Jerusalem and takes captives due to Judah’s rebellion and secret alliance with Egypt. Takes Jeconiah and several captives with him (2nd round of captives, including Ezekiel). He made Zedekiah ruler of Judah under him.

-Zedakiah swears allegiance to Neb by God.

Session 10

Ch. 20 (History of Israel from God’s Perspective)

Context: About July/August 591 BC or a year after ch.8

-Elders of Israel (in exile) come to Ezekiel for a word of the Lord.

               -God refuses to respond to them or their inquiry.

               -He presents his judicial case before them.

Know: God chose them. God does the choosing. God’s sovereign choice.

               -He made himself known to them.    (Exodus 3:8= first mention of land flowing with milk and honey.)

               -He confirmed it with a covenant (with Abraham).

               -God is very jealous for them. They do not choose Him.

Vs. 7= one of the definitive verses that Israel was in idolatry even then (in Exodus).

Vs 9= Notice: often He extends His grace and mercy only for His name’s sake.

               -He is put between a rock and a hard place: He must be just with Israel but also mindful of His glory to the nations. It’s not just a 2-way relationship between God and Israel. It’s also about the other nations. Balance between God being just with Israel and finding every excuse He can to have grace and mercy with them.

(Friday the 13th)- 1st born in Egypt died the evening of the 14th (Chuck Missler).

               -Notice all the “I”’s, God is the causative agent in all of this.

               -the law is presented as a source of life. Sabbath is mentioned six times: a sign of the covenant. 1st Sabbath given in Eden or Sinai? Big debate.

Vs. 18-26= focuses on the wilderness generation (the survivors). Admonishes them to walk in His statutes, but they didn’t. God had mercy on them then also because of His holy name. (See Deut 28-64).

               -yet at times He gives them over to their sins. We tend to become just like the gods we worship.

Vs 27= their fathers saw the groves and high hills of the Canaanites.

               -they offered to other gods what God reserved for himself (food drink…)

               -Canaanites known for their sexual practices in their worship in the groves/high places.

Vs. 29= Bama (high place) sounds like Ba (go) ma (nowhere). Play on words.

Session 11

Ch. 20 continued

“I will not be inquired of you”

Vs 33-39= scope is far more than just Babylon. Divine regathering. 40-44= Future blessing.

Deut 30:1-10, Isaiah 11:11, Isaiah 49:17-23, Isaiah 60, Isaiah 61:4-9, Jerem 23:1-8, Exek 36, Amos 9:11, Zech 10:8-12

               -far beyond just Babylon.

               -even with all these verses and more, with May 14, 1948, still so many serious scholars don’t take this literally.

-3 words for south= “Shining Land”, “Megev”, Right= East.

Ch 21

-The sword= Nebuchadnezzar. Fire= judgement, Green tree= one that bears fruit, Dead tree= not bearing fruit.

-moving from the south to the north.

-Telling Ezekiel to draw a map- right to left

               -king used divination to choose which way to go.

               -Lord makes it so Jerusalem is chosen.

Vs 25-27= priesthood and royalty will be removed until Messiah comes.

-sword against Ammo.

-God felt the need to hold up His holy name, because of who they/we are, His name is violated/profaned by their actions.  They represent Him.

Session 12

Ch. 22 “Jerusalem the City of Blood”

Israel’s current sins (not focus on fathers’ sins)

-“blood” “bloody” in Hebrew is plural.

-a judicial sense in their idol worship.

Vs.6-7= Notice order of listing in vs 7

Vs.9= corrupt informers “carry tails”(lie to shed blood)

               -eating on the mountains- participating in idol worship.

               -link between idol worship and lewd sexual practices.

Vs. 12= bribe. No moral standards that weren’t violatable, our moral rights are secure only in light of God. “Thou has forgotten me”.

Vs 15= Notice: Nations, countries. Not just Babylon. Purpose of scattering: to purge the nation of their filthiness. And one way to purge it is to give them in to it. Sin is both an action and punishment. We become our sin.

Chuck Missler thought: cities are like breeding grounds for sin. People gather, feed on each other.

Vs.19= Dross- the gunk at the top of a boiling pot that is scraped off. Smelting furnace= also an idiom of the tribulation.

Vs.23= “her” = Jerusalem. They are doing the sin of clouding the distinction between good and evil, Holy and profane.

Vs.30= God looked for a righteous man in Jerusalem.

-3 examples where he found a righteous man: Abraham, Moses, Noah. A mediator between God and the people. Intercessor. He couldn’t find one (so He became that man).

Ch 23  “A Tale of Two Sisters”

2 Sisters- 2 godless sisters. Allegorically Northern and Southern kingdom.

“Oholah”= “her tent”, “Aholibah”= “my tent is in her”,  Tent/tabernacle. God never saw Jeroboam’s temple as ligitament.

-their appetite for idolatry started in Egypt (childhood).

-Ohola is more evil at first. But Aholibah becomes more evil because they expanded on Oholah’s evil even after her judgement.

-King Jehu’s tribute to Shalamenezer in British Meuseum.

-Who destroys Oholah? Her lovers (like the harlot in Rev) Assyria. 2 Kings 17, about 722BC.

Vs.11=Aholibah and her political alliances. Also note King Manassah.

2 Kings 16= Ahab’s alliance with Assyria. In Isaiah 7, Isaiah denounces it. Emmanuel.

Vs.20= horses on Egyptian hieroglyphics symbolize= lustful person.

               -asses and horses used proverbially as the lustful. Ex: Jer 2:24, 5:8, 13:27.

               -horses also symbolize military power.

               -God uses the object of our lust as the end of us.

               -cutting off noses and ears used to be punishment for adultery.

Session 13


Context: the siege beginning. 2 Kings 25:1, Jer 39:1, Jer 52:4

Vs.3= A parable of the Cauldron/Pot

               -Pot/bloody city=Jerusalem.

               -in previous siege of Jerusalem, those that went in to captivity were chosen by lot.

               -blood not being covered. Lev 17:13- must be covered by dust/earth. Lev 14:34 and on are instructions regarding leprosy in a house. Leprosy being a type of sin.

Ezekiel’s wife dies: he’s not permitted to weep. He’s not permitted to show mourning (professional mourning, shave head, dirt on head…)but he could still have sorrow. Learn sorrow vs mourning in the culture.

               -shows that they won’t be able to professionally mourn or weep for their loved ones.

-remember, Ezekiel cannot talk unless it’s God’s word (3:36). He will be able to speak again when the fugitive comes to tell of Jerusalem’s fall.


Begins dealing with the 7 nations around them. (not the same 7 nations as what Joshua conquers).

-Ammon, Moab, Edom, and Philistia not all at the same time in history

               -deal with their reaction to fall of Jerusalem.

               -Note: this is not being addressed to these nations but being addressed to Israel.

Background verses: 1 Peter 4:17-18= God’s justice. Begins at the house of God. If it starts at the house of God, how shall his justice be dealt elsewhere.

               Matt 25:31 and on= sheep vs goat. 3 groups of people: sheep, goats, Israel. This is regarding nations, not individual people, how they treat Israel. “Bless them that bless the, curse them that curse the.”

What about Babylon? Jeremiah and Isaiah.

Ammonites: because they laughed at Israels punishment. They cease to exist, are scattered everywhere. Capital today= Amon. Allied with Judah against Babylon (Ezek 21), sided with Syrians against the Maccabees.

Moab: Jer 48, Isaiah 15 and 16, Amos 2. Cease to exist, scattered, absorbed.

Edom/Seir: conquered and almost annilated by David in 2Sam 8, 2Kings 14. Independance again in time of Ahaz. Their hatred for Israel: Psalm 137:7, Lam 4, Obediah 10-14.  Esau’s country: man and beast cut off. Now it’s desolate. Towns of Teman and Dedan: uncertain of location. Conquered in 126 BC, were forced to become Jews (Idiomites, like King Herod) Gen 27, Jer 49, Amos 1 and 9.

Philistia: very small but very prominent in the Bible. Amos 1, Obidiah 19… Cherithites= a group of Philistines 2Sam 8, 15, 20.  Originate in Deut 23.

Session 14


Tyre. First mentioned in Josh 19, also in Isa 23. A Phoenician city. King Hiram- friend of King David and Solomon, helped build the temple (2 Sam 5, I Kings 5)(only time mentioned Tyre was friendly with Israel).

Tyre facts:          

-Tyre sold Jews as slaves to the Greeks and Edom (Joel 3, Amos 1).

-survived 5 years of siege from Sennacherib.

               -survived 13 years of siege from Nebs.

               -241 years later: Alexander conquers Tyre using rubble from old city in span of 7 months.

               -rejoiced when Israel fell.

               -laughed at Jerusalem’s punishment.

               -Their punishment predicted before they moved out to the island in response to Neb.

-Ezekiel spends 3 chapters on Tyre.

               -Tyre means “rock”.

               -their particular sin as a city was being against Israel and pride.

               -Lord speaks to Tyre in marine terms and full of irony. Changes spelling of Nebs to Chaldean version.

Vs.12= “they” = more than just Neb’s siege.

               -predicts exactly what Alexander does. Notice the references to music. Tyre is also famous for musicians.

Vs. 15-18= Effect of Tyre’s fall on the nations. A lament in a Hebrew meter of poetry called a Kinah meter.

               -similar talk as in Rev 17 and 18 of Mystery Babylon.

               -3 groups that represent the world: kings, merchants, ship captains.

Ch.27  Another lamentation of Tyre

               -Though God is judging Tyre, he instructs Ezekiel to lament. This is not something God enjoys doing. Ezekiel not lamenting over the sins like he does Israel but over the judgement and punishment (unlike Tyre’s rejoicing over Israel’s fall)

Vs 10= “Persia” AKA Elam. First mention of Persia in OT.


To the King of Tyre (vs 11-18 changes to Satan/prince. See Isa 14)


               The 5 “I wills” of Isa 14, also,the King’s own wisdom causes pride.

               Tyre worshipped the god “Melcart”

               -reference to Daniel who’s wisdom known all over.

               -In Jeremiah 27, Neb sieges Tyre.

               -Phonecians practiced circumcision.

Vs 11= A lamentation. God speaking to Satan now.

               -these stones also on the priest’s breastplate.

Vs 14= notice the present tense.

Vs 15= “till” iniquity found on thee. Iniquity first found here?

Vs 19= Sidon (Saida today)- corrupted in Judges. Headquarters of Baal worship. Founded by Canaan’s first born.

Session 15

Ch.29 Prophecy against Egypt. Pharaoh Hoffa/Apries

Random facts:

               -often an alliance is made with Egypt

               -Egypt is often a typer of the world/sin

               -Pharaoh a type of Satan. Moses a type of deliver/Jesus.

               -Pharaoh Neco killed Josiah, sieged Israel, took Josiah’s son, and set up Jehoiakim (his other son) as a puppet king.

               587-585= approximate date of first few verses.

-Jehoiakim and Zedekiah set up alliances with Egypt against the advice of the prophets.

-2 Kings 25= about 7 months before fall of Jerusalem, time of this prophesy.

-monster= Hoffra. A phrase for crocodile, like crocodile of the Nile-symbol for King/Pharaoh. Egypt also worshipped crocs.

-Hoffra was very prideful, linking his commerce achievement to their prosperity. He made changes to the Delta that benefited his commerce.

-staff of a reed= weak, disappointment, unreliable.

-40 years of desolation predicted. Neb’s conquest over Egypt (after leaving Tyre)  to the time of Cyrus is about 40 years.

-Egypt declines from here on out, never again prominent.

Ch.30 A Lamentation for Egypt

               -other nations around Egypt are injured due to Egypt’s fall.

               -many taken captive. Multitude of Egypt ceases.

               -river dries up (Aswan dam in our time)

               -Zoen (Goshen) Sin- a city

In Jer 2: Taphanhes is Greek for Daphrey.

Session 16


“Lament for the fall of Pharaoh”.

Judah, 586, before the fall of Jerusalem.

               -lots of puns

               -word for Assyrian is Asher

               -TeAsher- a pine tree, compared to Cedar. Play on words.

               – a little like ch.28. Supernatural

               -some believe this is all supernatural (giants/spirits of giants)

               -Dan 4:10- Neb’s vision of a great tree (Neb’s fate)

                              -the tree represents a king/a decree written by Nebs and sent throughout. His testimony.

               -Theme: God HATES pride. It robs God of His rightful glory.


2 years later “A Lament for Pharaoh” again.

-young lion/crocodile (ch.29)

-blood in the water (like in Exodus and Rev 8:8)

-darkness (Exod 10, Rev 8, Joel 2)

-this is more than just Pharaoh

-Babylon takes down Egypt/Pharaoh in Jer 46 also

Vs 17= end- labeled by one scholar as the most solemn eulogy of a heathen people that’s ever been composed. Poetic lament.

-uncircumcised= unfaithful.

-Egypt may take comfort in Isa 19= a future day when the Lord hears Egypt and heals them. They serve the Lord.

-In Isa 19:23= a highway from Egypt to Assyria. Blessed be Egypt, Assyria, Israel.

Session 17


“Ezekiel the watchman”

-Review Ch 3 and 18

-Ezekiel unable to speak his own words until the fugitive comes (7 years)

-Why will you die oh house of Israel?

-Vs12= the righteous and the wicked. About repentance.

-vs.21= (back to 24:25-27) 12th year, 10th month, 5th day: the fugitive arrives.

               -some believe it was 6 months to 1.5 years for fugitive to get there after the fall. Ezekiel knew the night before he’d arrive.

-vs 23-27= the remnant left in Jerusalem believed God was giving them all the land.

               -the people who love to listen to Ezekiel but don’t believe him or do what he says. All talk no action.



               -care for themselves more than the flock.

               -the care of God’s vulnerable flock.

-vs.11= Messianic. God goes after his own sheep. A near and far prophecy.

-vs.23= cross ref (John ch.10) “Even my servant David”- literal? Or more like the root/blood of David.

-vs.25 and on= millennial.

Blindness in Israel until fullness of gentiles complete.


Another against Edom(Seir)

-Edom was the most bitter enemy of Israel.

-Edom has been against Israel from Gen 27 and on.

-Edom’s 4 sins: -they helped Babylon against Israel (vs 5)

                              -attempted to annex Israel to itself (vs 10)

                              -had a spiteful vengeful joy whenever bad things happened to Israel/Judah (vs 12)

                              -perpetual enemy of Israel

-main cities: Petra and Temar

-Edom was first subjugated by Babylon, then the Persians.

               -126 BC John Hycranus forced them to become Jews, calling them Idumeans (like King Herod)

               (Josephus in Antiquities of the Jews Book 13)

God often uses an enemy against Israel but Edom was never ordained to do anything that they had done. They just took it upon themselves.

               -Isa 34:5= sword come down on Edom. But this is future. Literal?

               -Isa 63- the enemies dipped in blood.


Isreal’s redemption and vindication

-the Lord focuses on Israel, punishment of nations for each of their roles on Israel

-vs 16= nations=plural. Not just Babylon. Summary of all what’s been happening.

Vs.24= all countries. This hasn’t happened yet.

Session 18

Ch. 36 continued

               -Lev 25:23- the land, never to be sold (remember what Ahab did) forever.

               -Isa 14:25- break the Assyrian in my land, on my mountain. Many more references to “my land” “God’s land”.

               -In Joel: parted my land.

               -Deut 11- Lord’s eyes are always on it.

Land and Israel begins with Abraham (Gen 13)

               -Psalm 105:7-11= its an everlasting covenant

Return to land: Jeremiah 30:2-3, 31:17, Ezek 20:42.

Conditions for the permanent land-grant= none.

               -there will always be a return. Being “put out” of the land is always temporary.


               -Gen 15:18, Exodus 23:31, Josh 1:2-4, Num 34:1-12

Why all this land stuff? They never got all their land.

-A broader than Babylon scale captivity prophesy: Deut 28:37, 64.

               -for 2000 years, diaspora, persecuted mostly by the church.

               -Because of no country of Israel left, many believed Israel was not the “church”.

What happened in both diasporas? Desolation.

-Isa 60:12= fate of those who don’t bless Israel, including desolation.

-Amos 9:14-15= re-inhabit the land, make it non-desolate

-vs.25= promise that they will be cleansed, brought back to the land

               – a new heart, new spirit (OT version of “born again”). Nicodemus was expected to know this.

               -heart is not cured but instead new. A heart of flesh, soft heart.

               -Jer 31- new covenant.

               -Lev 26:32-33= land is only fruitful when Israel in it.


Dry Bones

-many people think that its about the resurrection of individuals

– 1 King 17, 2 King 4, Dan 12:2, Hos 13:14 teach of the resurrection of the body

-but this is more about the nation (note: army)

-Hebrew word for “breath” “wind” and “spirit” are the same word (raush) also in Greek (pneuma)

-bones are dry, old. No breath/spirit

-from the 4 winds

-vs 11= explanation- whole house of Israel

-Num 17= scepters – 2 sticks. Israel and Judah become one. 1 land, 1 king (future)

-vs.24= David= king/shepherd. God often speaks of Jesus this way.

-Zech 12- Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all nations around them. “whom they had pierced” Pierced? Capital punishment then was stoning.

Session 19

(ch. 36-37 focus on the restoration of Israel nationally)

(ch.38-39- God’s means to get them to call upon His name. His hand is once again on Israel.)


Gog, Magog, Meshech, tubal (From Gen 10, the table of the 70 nations. Noah’s genealogy)

               Japheth                                             Ham                                                   Shem

               -Gomer (Togarmah)                       -Cush (S.Arabia. Sheba/Dedan)    -Elam

               -Magog                                          -Mizraim (Egypt)               -Assur

               -Madai (Medians)                           -Put                                                   -Lud

               -Javan                                             -Canaan                               -Arphaxad

               -Tubal                                                                                                       -Aram




Northern Confederacy

-Put= Arabic Africa, Algeria, Morocco, Libya, Tenesia

-Cush= Ethiopia area, Black Africa

-Gomer= Germans, Europe, Slavic area

-Togarmah= Armenia area, Turk area

-Persia= Iran

Vs.7= Gog arms these people. “In the latter years”= end times. Come upon Isreal who dwell in “safety”.

Vs.11-12= the evil plan

Vs.13= Sheba, Dedan, Tarshish, young lions question these people. No answer given. Bystanders? Not joining or opposing. Tarshish= a source of Tin. But no one knows where this is.


5/6 of the enemy is wiped out

Vs.6= coastlands/isle- God sends fire onto. Why? Who? Some include America here.

               -Isarel will recognize this as God. The nations too.

Vs.11= Gog buried in Israel.

               -Hamongog is downwind (east of Jordan). Professionals walk through flagging and burying.

               -Hebrew word for “horse” is               =a leaper. In Jeremiah, it’s translated as “bird”. The word for horsemen =          when used in Exodus revers to “chariot driver”.

Why Chuck believes this battle is earlier:

               -he doesn’t believe Gog is antichrist

               -if it’s nuclear, it sets the stage for a peace/leader to come forward. The world is shocked, looking for somebody.

               -Israel will be at peace. No walls, no weapons.

Session 20

Ch.40-48 are known as the continental divide of interpreting scripture (if a bucket of water was dropped over the right spot, half will go over the Pacific and half over the Atlantic. The breaking point) Too many interpretations and explanations.

-Too mechanically detailed to make it allegorical.

-some believe the temple is Solomon’s (but it’s actually different)

-some believe the believe it’s the 2nd temple (Nehemiah’s/Herod’s) No mention of God’s presence in it.

-it’s actually the 4th (Trib temple is the 3rd)

This temple being built has 6 main objections

               -Jesus was the last sacrifice/fulfillment of the sacrificial system.

-but the future sacrifices point backward just as the OT sacrifices point forward to Jesus. Kind of like how we take communion.

               -old system is not to be used for believers. It for those who didn’t accept the new covenant.

               -all believers are Israel’s seed (Gal 10)- so are we now under the law?

-priests to the temple? But aren’t all believers priests and kings? Not priests like that after Levi, but more like after Melchizedek.

Jesus- the only prophet, priest, and King. All 3.

               -tabernacle built by a prophet (and priest)

               -1st temple built by a king (Solomon)

               -Ezekiel’s temple is described by a priest working as a prophet (Ezekiel)

Some facts:

               -no ark in the covenant or temple (it’s Jesus)

               -no high priest mentioned (it’s Jesus)

               -no king mentioned (it’s Jesus)

               -the movement of the chapters goes from the temple then outward to the land and people.

               -New temple, new worship of God, new apportionment of the land to the tribes, including Dan.


-Is this on Yom Kippur or the 10th of Nissan (when Jesus goes in on donkey, preparation)

– either way, it’s a significant date

-this all is a vision

-Rev 11:1-2= the temple is also measured (but not the outer court)

Session 21


-measurer- an angel of the Lord/Jesus

-bronze/copper= strength/ unwavering steadfastness/ judgement (doesn’t yield to heat)

-a reed(short) and a line (long) of flax.

-“behold with thine eyes” “hear with thine ears” emphasizes the importance of this.

-the angel goes through the gate, but not Ezekiel. The east gate.

Vs.16= Palm trees= common in Solomon’s temple. Symbolizes victory (Rev 7:9).

               -note Palm Sunday, also in the 7 feasts- especially of Tabernacles.

Steps: 6 steps to Solomon’s throne, 7 means completeness- outer court gates, 8 means new beginnings- south gate, inner court, east and north gate.

Offerings: burnt offering, sin offering, trespass offering

Zadok: (2 Sam 17 and on, and 1 Kings 1,2) Abiathar rebels against the house of David/Solomon. Zadok doesn’t. Abiathar is from the line of Eli. Zadok isn’t. Solomon disposed Ithamar from the priesthood, setting aside the house of Eli.

2 Pillars: also in Solmon’s temple.


The temple

-most HolyPlace. Angel goes in, (vs 3) not Ezekiel

-silver and gold not mentioned in these 8 chapters

-vs 12-14= what building is this? Unknown. Toward the west.

-Cheribim also in the tabernacle.

-wood altar is for incense, not offerings. In the tabernacle it’s golden.

-no mention of the bread table, lampstand, furniture, or ark of covenant (all these represent Christ anyway) (Jer. 3:16-17)



-north and south chambers are “holy chambers” where priests eat the “most holy bread”. Lev 2, 6, and 10 from trespass and burnt offerings.

Session 22

Things that bother Chuck about these chapters:

               -no gold or silver mentioned (silver symbolizes redemption)

               -sacrifices or memorial?

               -altar of sacrifice made of hewn stone which is prohibited in Exodus

               -no king, no high priest

               -steps going up to the altar- also prohibited in Exodus

               -is this really the 3rd temple that had the abomination of desolation (because of how it’s made?)


Glory of God goes into temple

Vs.1= “afterward” to the east gate. Goes in on the east side. After what? The temple survey?

               -like the previous visions

               -the climax of the book? Happy ending? Solution?

               Glory goes into the tabernacle and the Solomon’s temple the same way as this, and the same way He left Solomon’s temple.

Vs.3= phrase “when I came to destroy the city” who’s speaking?

               -“place of my throne, soles of my feet here” in temple. This comes on the heels of the tribulation, not just Ezekiel’s time. After the AOD.

1 Chron 28 and Psalm 132= ark as a foot stool.

Vs.8= sounds like Ezekiel’s time.

Vs.10= Ezekiel admonished to study the temple and show to his fellow exiles. This is mentioned twice, specifically for Israel.

               -measurements of altar, stairs on the east side (so people go up facing the west). Why so important?

Vs.19= Consecration of the altar for 7 days. 8th day can put to normal use.

               -this doesn’t include all the Levitical offerings. Why not?

               – so this a 4th altar or altar from 3rd temple AOD?

Prince and the east gate- used only by God and the prince.

               -Jerusalem has an east gate: the golden gate. Was sealed in AD 1543.

Zech 14- God gathers the nations. City is captured. Then the Lord comes in. His feet shall stand on Mt. of Olives (where he left from in Ezekiel and when Jesus ascended), mountain splits in half. People go through valley in between. There isa fault line leads up to the gate.


Eastern gate is shut.

Prince= Jesus? But has no priestly rights, he offers a sin offering and he has sons.

               =David? (ch.34 and 37 mention return of David).

               =from lineage of David? But not Messiah.

               -no priestly rights, mediator between people and priests, has allocated land for himself, cannot gain land, must work festivals.

-Ezekiel admonished to study well the temple, law. And to tell his fellow Israelites about this and the accusations listed in vs 6 and on.

               Vs.6 This accusation resembles  the first 24 chapters.

-Lev 17, Num 15= permissible to allow foreigners to offer sacrifices but not here? But never could they officiate, which is what they are being accused of.

-Levites allowed to be temple keepers, officiate, but not be priests. Only those of Zadok can be priests.

-Zadok (2Sam 8, 1 Chron 6). From Eliazer line. Zadok= faithful to David during the rebellion.

Ch.45– The land divided/allotted

-prince prepares sin offering and other offerings.

-Feast of Pentecost is omitted, also Day of Atonement.

-offerings are not only observed but expanded in number.


-inner court gate only open on sabbaths and new moons. And only prince can go through it.

-when people go in a and out, must go straight through to exit on opposite gate of what he entered.

-prince giving gift to his sons. Nobody gets dispossessed of their inheritance.

-year of Jubilee is noted, observed.

-using lunar calendar.

-no evening sacrifices.

-these include public worship and sacrifices.

Session 23

Millenium= throne of David didn’t exist in Mary’s day (Luke 1), not even Herod sat on it. Is the throne of David a heavenly throne? No it’s on earth. Isaiah 65, Zech 14.

Ch.47 River of Life

Too detailed to take allegorically

River of Life:

               -got deeper as Ezekiel went further from the temple, and wider.

               -goes toward the Dead Sea. Sodom and Gomorrah there?

               -also flows West to Mediterranean. How?

               -heals Dead Sea: Live Sea.

                              -but not the marry places and marshes

                              -salt in the OT suggest judgement

               -trees of life on the banks, yield a different fruit every month

John 7:37= ceremonial use of water at Feast of Tabernacles.

Vs.13 and on= about the land. Numbers 34:1-15= boundaries for the land.

               -Joseph gets 2 portions (Reuben loses his) (Gentile bride)

               (Gen 49 prophesy, vs 17 about Dan- tribe of antichrist?)