Predictions (not exhaustive)/fulfilled
Born to a virgin=Isa 7:14/ Matt 1:18-25
Born in Bethlehem= Micah 5:2/Matt 2:1-6
Taken to Egypt= Hosea 11:1/Matt 2:15
Heal the sick= Isa 53/Matt 8
Be crucified= Psalm 22
Die for our sins= Isa 53/Jn 1:29, 11:49-52
Raised from the dead= Psalm 16:10/ Matt 28:1-10…
Most Distinguished Family Tree
Encrypted in the Torah- Gen 38 (49 letter intervals)
Prophesied in Judges= Ruth 4
Evades curse on Jeconiah- Jer 22:30 (curse goes thru Joseph’s line,
not Mary’s. And it’s a blood curse)
Virgin birth- Gen 3:15, Isa 7:14, Psalm 69, 110
Ruth 4, prophesied in Gen 38:25 (Tamar’s story)
-49 letter intervals in spell in chron. Order:
Boaz, Ruth, Obed, Jesse (Yishay), David
Ruth 4:12= “May your house be like Pharez(perez)”
Perez to David is 10 generations.
Deut 23:2-10=bastard child needs 10 generations. But Obed is also one???
Jesus’ Genealogies
Matt’s genealogy starts with Abraham because he’s writing to Jews: Jesus as Jew
Luke’s genealogy starts with Adam because he’s writing as Jesus as man
Mark doesn’t have a genealogy because he’s writing as Jesus as Servant
John’s genealogy is short: genealogy of God, because Jesus as God
Prophecy in Greek= prophesy to prediction/fulfillment
Prophesy in Hebrew= pattern
Matt’s genealogy thru Joseph’s line showing Jesus to be qualified as King (Solomon)
Luke’s genealogy thru Mary’s line showing Jesus to be qualified as high priest (Nathan)
Both come from Bathsheba.
Adam to Noah has message in meanings of the names: “Man is appointed mortal sorrow. The blessed God shall come down teaching his death shall bring the despairing comfort/rest.”
Jeremiah 22:30 curse on Jeconiah’s blood line. House of David done for? Satan thinks he wins. No more Kings of Israel.
-Joseph is legal father of Jesus, not blood father.
-Note daughters of Zelophehad (Numb 24:1-11) then in Josh 17:3-6 fulfilled. The son-in-law of woman’s dad becomes like an actual son. So Mary has no brothers? (See also Ezra 2:61, Neh 7:63, 1 Chron 2:21-23, 34-35.)
-Joseph= “husband of Mary” (Matt 1:16) so son in law of Heli (Luke 3:23).
The Goel: must be a kinsman, must be able to perform, must be willing, must assume the obligations. Jesus did all this and was the only one able to do all this.