I believe Jesus is God incarnate, and that the gospel is fully spelled out in Daniel 7. The gospel doesn’t end with Jesus dying on the cross and rising from the dead so we can go to heaven. That’s the part that makes it all possible. It ends with the Kingdom of God reigning on Earth with His people.
As far as denominations go, I’m a Fundamental Baptist wanna-be Pentecostal. Basically, I share most Fundamental Baptist beliefs but want visions and dreams. Yes, God speaks to me, but I also want the visual effects. This leads me to be drawn to those who say they have dreams and visions. I listen with envy but then test and evaluate what they say and have yet to meet somebody who is legit. I’ve come to the point of acceptance that I won’t have such dreams and visions, and am thankful now, because everybody I’ve so far heard who has these ends up depending more on their dreams and visions than the Bible. And I honestly think that I’m suspectable to doing the same thing.
I am a “pre-millennial”. I’m a creationist who believes God’s timeline for humanity is 6 millennia. The 7th millennium is our “rest” where God reigns on earth in Jerusalem. We are very, very close to that rest since Jesus died in the beginning of the 4th millennium (see Biblical History Picture). This timeline amounts to 120 Jubilees (Genesis 6:3 has at least 3 meanings). Jesus died on the 80th Jubilee, as written in Luke 4 and Isaiah 61, and will finish on the 120th Jubilee (finishing the rest of Isaiah 61) (there are many patterns in the Bible that point to this. Ex: Moses’ age at certain events).
I believe the Church is grafted into the vine. It does not replace Israel. God doesn’t break His promises and even before “divorcing” Israel, He had a plan for remarriage (Jeremiah 31).
I hold a Divine Council/Deut 32:8/Psalm 82 worldview.
I used to be a pre-trib rapture believer, but the more I study, the more I lean toward mid-trib or even post trib. I’m wishing for a pre-trib but preparing for a post-trib rapture. By preparing, I don’t mean stockpiling food and weapons. I mean walking in the Spirit and trying to grow my faith and discernment as much as possible.