Seems like a dumb ploy to allow suffering and evil into creation just so He could display some mercy and kindness, huh?

Instead, He inserted Himself into it.
To the astonishment of the angels, the timeless, omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent God confined Himself to a tiny being of flesh, completely helpless, knowing nothing, and His survival in the hands of his parents: fallen, sinful humanity. He lived a life of obscurity, lowliness, and humility to show that He is lowly and humble.
Allowing Himself to suffer, not just by living as a weak little human, exposed to the elements, hungering, thirsting, and tiring, but to suffer at the hands of evil while innocent, would show all creation that He isn’t just a God of glory and power, but of meekness, love, and compassion. Not only that, but because He gave Himself a human body- but was still God, He fulfilled every piece of the Mosaic law and redeemed humanity as the Kinsman Redeemer. He’d ascend into Heaven as the one “like a Son of Man” who is given all authority and dominion, as in Daniel 7.