Filmed in 2007

Psalm 69 is Quoted in John 15:25, John 2:17, Rom 15:3, Rom 11:9-10, Acts 1:20
-All thru Isaiah and Hosea, Israel and Messiah are intertwined. It is the Jewish understanding which is why Matt quotes Hosea.
-Zodiac name from “Sodi” which means “the way”
-Ps 19:1-3 it is understood by all languages
-spells out the virgin birth to the triumph of the Lion of Judah
-story: names of the stars in order of their brightness
-Great Book on this: THE WITNESS OF THE STARS by EW Bullinger
Magi (Latin)=Magoi (Greek)
-hereditary priesthood of Medes
-Daniel was set over these men (which breaks the rules)
-a Parthian group.
-key skill is not astrology but dream interpretation (Herodotus 1, 107, 120 Vol.19)
-‘magistrate’ makers, king makers.
-The established state religion of Darius 1 (the Great)
-Not originally followers of Zorostar
-supreme priestly caste of Persian empire/Parthians
History Lesson
-Selucid/Ptolemy fight over Israel in the middle during the 400 “silent years”
-Roman empire takes over. Left-over Persian part turns into Parthian Empire with fertile crescent in the middle between them and Roman Empire. Fertile crescent becomes ‘buffer zone’.
-around 250BC Parthians got their independent kingdom. They are a rival to Rome. They get Jerusalem for a while.
-though Herod/Rome officially ruled Jerusalem, Parthians occupied it and ran Herod out for 3 years.
-Herod finally returned and reclaimed Jerusalem with a siege. But he was justifiably paranoid. Parthian still inside buffer zone. By now, Herod is old, gets an illness.
-Parthia itself had its own internal problems.
Psalm 69:7 speak of Jesus’ childhood?
-rejected by brothers at a young age.
-he is considered a bastard child. Not his father’s child.
-others knew of his illegitimacy (Matt 6:3) (Matt 13:25)(John 8)
-at least 4 brothers and two sisters
-when he wept, he was mocked. Mary also mocked?
-mocked by drunkards and those that sit at the gate.
Parthians=Scythians in Median dress, Aryan speech. Now Iran/Afghanistan area.
By time of birth of Christ:
-Magi aren’t 3 men on camels. They are Parthian officials, possibly with army
-all Jerusalem and Herod upset over their arrival in Jerusalem. The rumors of another king born makes Jerusalem think it’s the Magi/Parthians coming, or a Parthian-placed Jewish King.
-1st question in OT= “Where art thou?”. -1st question in NT= “Where is he born King of the Jews?” 1st Adam/Last Adam
-Matt 2:11=they find Jesus in a house. Jesus the child, not newborn. According to Herod, Jesus to be at most, 2 yrs old.